About The Author

Joyce Addo-Atuah

Dr. Joyce Addo-Atuah is a board member of the Pentecost Biblical Seminary of the Church of Pentecost U.S.A. Inc. and a professor at the Touro College of   Pharmacy in New York City. People who have known her for a long time have often asked her for her “secret” in staying “forever young” and she had always replied she didn’t have any such secrets. This response was totally true until she learned about the work of researchers who have established the connection between a lifestyle of gratitude and benefits such as a positive outlook on life, greater productivity, good health, generosity, and longevity.

Suddenly, a light bulb lit up within her-she is a living proof of the power and  benefits of a lifestyle of gratitude and thanksgiving!!

Having discovered this scientific evidence and armed with the scriptural basis of thanksgiving and its benefits, and confirmed by her own personal lived experiences, Joyce is on a mission to generously share these physical, mental, relational, and spiritual benefits of thanksgiving and gratitude with the world.

Her work in “The Power of Thanksgiving: A Blueprint for Contentment, Fulfillment, and Well-Being through Gratitude” has been recognized in the Christian and broader community as:

  • A WINNER in the National Indie Excellence Awards
  • A FINALIST in the Book Excellence Awards
  • A FINALIST in Christian Inspirational in the International Book Awards
  • A BRONZE MEDAL WINNER in Christian Non-Fiction in the Global Ebook Awards
  • A HENRY AWARD WINNER in Testimonials in the Christian Literary Awards

Joyce is a passionate educator, speaker, motivator, and storyteller.  She has spoken and taught on several professional as well as Christian platforms. She is eternally grateful to God for her close-knit family.